Meet the Member! Jordan

March 7, 2022
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🌟Meet the Member!🌟  Meet Jordan!  Thats her repping Boston in the green shirt 💕.  Jordan's workout partner in the pic (Bufffie) was her elementary school teacher.  Jordan is a busy teacher now too, and they workout together in our morning classes.  Read on to find out more about how Jordan got started here, and why she wishes she had not waited to join.


I started CrossFit because I was looking for something new. I loved working out but doing it alone was nothing compared to the experience I’ve had in the classes. I started CrossFit to continue working out, to be encouraged and push myself, as well as meeting new people in this community.

âť“What was your first impressionâť“

I was very nervous going into my first class and honestly very intimidated. It helped a lot knowing people who already went so that definitely helped. As soon as I started the class and saw how kind, friendly, and encouraging both the coaches and the other athletes were, I immediately felt welcomed and excited to be there!


âť“How has that changed? What was your first bright spotâť“

I definitely don’t feel intimidated to show up to classes and I’m excited to be there, even when the workouts kick my butt! I think my first bright spot was at the beginning whenever I would lift or do an exercise, both the coaches and other members were there to encourage and cheer me on and push harder.


âť“What are you working on nowâť“

I love every lifting day, especially the heavy ones. My challenges are when it comes to endurance and the running or biking workouts. But I always hear that you should work on the things that come hard to you so that’s my goal is to really push myself in the endurance aspect of the workouts. Also, dubs (double unders), because obviously!


âť“If you could go back in time, what would you tell yourself when you were thinking of joiningâť“

I wish I would’ve joined sooner! It has easily been one of the best decisions, especially amid the crazy times we’re living in right now. It’s a huge self care/stress relief for me!


🌟We are so glad you joined Jordan!🌟


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