Eating Right: Power Your Adventures From Within!

Nailing your nutrition game is like unlocking the ultimate outdoor superpower.
September 22, 2023
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Hey, Mt. Washington Valley tribe! 🏔️ If you're anything like me, you're all about that outdoor life. Skiing down those powdery slopes, conquering those hiking trails, or just feeling the rush of a trail run. But here's the deal: to truly rock these adventures, you've gotta fuel yourself. Let's get into it!

1. Stay Hydrated

Water is the lifeblood of every cell in our body. When you're out skiing or hiking, you're losing fluids through sweat, even in colder temperatures. Staying hydrated ensures you maintain endurance and prevent cramps. Consider carrying a hydration pack or a water bottle and sip regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty.  But dont over do it either.

To avoid performance and health problems associated with low blood sodium, your fluid intake during exercise should not routinely exceed 26 oz per hour, depending on weight and conditions.

Average athletes or average temps: 16-26 oz of fluids per hour (approx. 473–769 ml)

Lighter athletes or cooler temps: 16–18 oz of fluids per hour (approx. 473–532 ml)

Heavier athletes or hotter temps: up to 28 oz of fluids per hour (approx. 828 ml)

2. Complex Carbohydrates are Key

For sustained energy during long hikes or trail runs, your body needs a steady supply of complex carbohydrates. Foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables release energy slowly, ensuring you don't hit that dreaded mid-adventure slump.  Consume 30-60 grams/hour of complex carbohydrates to maintain steady energy for longer adventures.

3. Protein Power

After a rigorous day on the slopes or trails, your muscles need repair. Consuming protein within 30 minutes post-activity can aid in muscle recovery and reduce soreness.

4. Electrolyte Balance

Electrolytes are essential minerals that help transmit nerve impulses in our bodies. Intense activities like skiing and snowshoeing can lead to an electrolyte imbalance, causing fatigue and muscle cramps even when its cold outside. Ensure you're replenishing lost electrolytes with foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium or consider an electrolyte supplement.

5. Listen to Your Body

Every individual is unique, and so are their nutritional needs. Pay attention to how your body responds to different foods and adjust your diet accordingly. If you feel sluggish or experience digestive issues, consider consulting a nutritionist to tailor a plan that suits your specific needs.

6. Plan Ahead

Before embarking on any outdoor adventure, plan your meals and snacks. Having a nutrition strategy ensures you're adequately fueled, allowing you to focus on the trail ahead and the breathtaking views of the Mt. Washington Valley.

Alright, adventure junkies, there you have it! Nailing your nutrition game is like unlocking the ultimate outdoor superpower.  Dive into these tips, listen to your body, and boom! You're all set to crush whatever epic adventures the MWV has in store. Get out there and own the day! 🌲🏔️💪 #AdventureAwaits🐅🌲🎿

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