4 Week Handstand Course with Coach Jim!

Lets get upside down! Learn how to dominate your handstands and some new ways to safely practice handstand walking.
August 16, 2023
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Do you want to learn how to dominate your handstands or learn some new ways to safely practice handstand walking? Then let's get upside down with Coach Jim!! He will help you explore handstands safely and break out of your comfort zone while having some fun!

You will work on developing the following skills:

* Increase efficiency in kicking up to a wall and drills to safely practice on your own
* Drills to keep yourself in a handstand longer
* Safely kicking up without a wall so you can take your handstands to a new level
* Learning/imporving proficiency in handstand pushups
* Handstand walking & how to safely spot your gym buddies so you can continue your practice after the course is over!

Prerequisite: Ability to consistently kick up to a handstand against the wall.

This course is 4 weeks long, beginning September 11th and will meet on Monday and Wednesday nights at 7:00pm for one hour.
Cost is $135 for the 4 weeks and class is capped at 12 participants so sign up today and secure your spot! Head into your member portal, click menu then PLANS and you'll see Coach Jim's handstand course there.

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