Paul Moller

Paul Moller

Head Coach CF L2 Trainer, Owner


CrossFit Level II Trainer

Spartan SGX Trainer

Spartan Obstacle Specialist

Personal Trainer CI-CPT

Law Enforcement Fitness Trainer (Cooper’s Institute)

CrossFit Kettlebell Trainer

CrossFit Weightlifting Trainer

CrossFit Endurance Trainer

CrossFit Mobility Trainer

CrossFit Judges Course

USA Weightlifting Advanced Sports Performance Coach


2nd Degree Black Belt in Shaolin Kenpo under Jeff Hardy

Certified Instructor in JKD Concepts and Filipino Martial Arts under Joe Maffei

About The Coach

I have been an athlete, competitive martial artist, and coach my whole life. I found CrossFit several years ago and was hooked. It was everything I was looking for and more. I pledge to give 100% effort to help every member of Swift River CrossFit reach and surpass their fitness goals.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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