Jim Chaput

Jim Chaput

CF L2 Trainer



CrossFit Level 2 Certificate

Applied Movement Neurology Master Practitioner

Gray Institute Certifications in Applied Functional Science and Movement Analysis & Performance System

About The Coach

As a teenager, I spent countless hours riding my BMX bike and learning freestyle tricks. After that, my obsession moved to volleyball, skiing, and snowboarding. In 2010, I found CrossFit, which then led me to my current passion for handstands.

Turning Point

Three major turning points led me to the coach that I am. The first was realizing that 15 years of corporate work and travel had left me fat and out of shape. I started weight training and choosing healthier food, found CrossFit, and trimmed off 40 pounds while getting stronger and fitter. The second was joining my first CrossFit box, CrossFit Thames in London, UK. After doing CrossFit for 10 months in my garage, I thought I was fairly fit. My intro session was the baseline workout (500m row, 40 air squats, 30 sit-ups, 20 pushups, 10 pull-ups) and it left me gasping for breath on the floor. It was then that I realized that I hadn't been training with intensity. The third was a couple of years later. Feeling the fittest I could remember, I went to one of Ido Portal's week-long movement camps and was left humbled. Nearly everyone else at the camp moved better than I did and my fitness was overshadowed by poor mobility and a lack of body awareness. I left CrossFit for a while to focus on more holistic movement and then handstands. When I came back to CrossFit, my increased movement quality massively improved my experience.

Motivation & Passion

My motivation is to help you move as well as you can and to empower you to improve yourself. The more I help you, the less you will need me. When I am not coaching, I think about the unsolved problems that I have seen in class. Often I will see you later and suggest something to try. If you need help with something, plant a seed with me and I will do all I can to help!

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