Recipe: Greek Yogurt Peppery Pizza

This week we are taking a healthy pizza dough base, and adding fresh banana peppers for some veggie awesomeness!
August 10, 2022
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This week we are taking a healthy pizza dough base, and adding fresh banana peppers for some veggie awesomeness!  This week's veggie focus in partnership with @davisnaturalproduce is sweet peppers/banana peppers! We are making the dough with greek yogurt and other simple ingredients you can feel good about for your family.(this will be a thin crust)




(Note: you could skip this step if you need to save time, and use a low sugar pre-made pizza sauce)

Top with fresh sliced banana or sweet peppers, and some fresh onions.


Dough recipe from Skinny Taste


If you don't have a CSA share, you can grab amazing, fresh, locally grown veggies from Davis Natural Produce 7 days a week at International Mountain Equipment in North Conway, and on Saturday at Tuckerman Brewery from 3pm to 7pm. All of their produce is grown in the Albany Town Forest behind Kennett Middle School.


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