Meet Shannon!

Meet Shannon! She’s lost over 25 pounds since joining SRCF last December!
August 11, 2022
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Meet Shannon!  She’s lost over 25 pounds since joining SRCF last December!  The idea of going to a gym used to terrify her, but she found something here that she had been missing for a long time.  And the gym feels like home!  Read more in Sharon’s own words to see how joining SRCF has helped her change her lifestyle outside of the gym.

"My life outside of the gym has completely changed, and for the better!  I went from not feeling very confident and feeling like I didn't have the physical ability to do anything to constantly proving my old self wrong.  As a person with at times pretty severe social anxiety the idea of going to the gym used to terrify me but SRCF has completely made me feel at home.  Everyone is so helpful and encouraging and it's given me the confidence to now be that for other newcomers. It's not just the physical changes that I've gone through (over 25 pounds lost!) but mental one as well.  I've definitely become more courageous in trying new things that would have terrified me a year ago.  Going to the classes has definitely quieted that inner anxiety voice; I can confidently tell myself that I can do it.

I am so proud of showing up and for taking the first step in making a commitment to better health and putting myself first.  It's amazing to look back at how much I have changed from 6 months ago to now.  Knowing that it's been my effort and hard work that has totally changed my life for the better. I went from having not run at all since high school (some 20 something years ago


)  to looking forward to running.  I am amazed at how much I have enjoyed pushing myself and improving.

I joined up at the end of December after being told by my doctor that I needed to make some major changes for my health.  A friend, who had just joined herself a few months prior, suggested I try it out.  I was very hesitant and anxious to join at first but once I got through the initial training and had a couple of classes under my belt I felt like I finally found what I had been missing for a long time.  

I would (and do!) tell anyone thinking about joining to do it. Everyone can do this, the coaches make sure you are doing what you can do and push you to work with what you got.  I only wish I had joined sooner!  Its so wonderful to see everyone encouraging each other and celebrating PRs.  It makes you want to keep going and improve all the time.  I can't wait to see all the changes in another 6 months!"

If you are ready to make a change and find what you may have been missing (just like Shannon), lets talk! Schedule a FREE Intro today and you'll meet with one of our amazing coaches to see how we can help you too.

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